- Let the grass grow under one's feet
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
let the grass grow under one's feet — To loiter or linger, and so lose one s opportunity • • • Main Entry: ↑grass … Useful english dictionary
let the grass grow under one's feet — idi let the grass grow under one s feet, to delay action … From formal English to slang
not let the grass grow under one's feet — ► not let the grass grow under one s feet not delay in taking action. Main Entry: ↑grass … English terms dictionary
let the grass grow under one's feet — {v. phr.}, {informal} To waste time; be slow or idle. * /Grandpa spends so much time sitting and thinking that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet./ … Dictionary of American idioms
let the grass grow under one's feet — {v. phr.}, {informal} To waste time; be slow or idle. * /Grandpa spends so much time sitting and thinking that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet./ … Dictionary of American idioms
let\ the\ grass\ grow\ under\ one's\ feet — v. phr. informal To waste time; be slow or idle. Grandpa spends so much time sitting and thinking that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet … Словарь американских идиом
let the grass grow under your feet — see ↑grass, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑foot let the grass grow under your feet : to wait before doing something or to do something slowly used in negative statements He has never been one to let the grass grow under his feet. [=he has never been slow… … Useful english dictionary
let grass grow under one's feet — {v. phr.} To be idle; be lazy; waste time. Used in negative, conditional, and interrogative sentences. * /The new boy joined the football team, made the honor roll, and found a girlfriend during the first month of school. He certainly did not let … Dictionary of American idioms
let grass grow under one's feet — {v. phr.} To be idle; be lazy; waste time. Used in negative, conditional, and interrogative sentences. * /The new boy joined the football team, made the honor roll, and found a girlfriend during the first month of school. He certainly did not let … Dictionary of American idioms
not let the grass grow under one's feet — not delay in taking action. → grass … English new terms dictionary
not let the grass grow under one's feet — not waste time … English contemporary dictionary